Monday, October 4, 2010

Orbiting the rings of Saturn

      Yesterday me and the roommate went on a magical stroll through the Open Studio Tours in Jersey City.  At a dilapidated art store we were advised to go see Robert Piersanti's studio, and the two of us being directionally challenged, most of the day was spent trying fruitlessly to locate it while wandering in and out of other studios.
Robert Piersanti
     Jersey was definitely a different vibe from the open studios I've been to in NYC.  A lot of the work was located in mystery locations like basements and garages, even living rooms.       Owing to Jannika's genius and with no help from me, we finally tumbled into Robert Piersanti's studio, a really cool loft filled with his campy-fun sci-fi/pop painting.

Don't you love a day that ends up in surprise burlesque?  The fab Miss Saturn did three short performances rockin' hula hoops and takin names.
Miss Saturn



  1. AH! I wish I was able to experience this with you guys...but thanks for elaborating on how cool Jersey really is!

  2. Jersey City is awesome. Wish I could've bumped into your group, but I was running on no-sleep-mode on Saturday, and called it quits at 5pm.
